Chinese Giant Salamander
Chinese Giant Salamander
Salamander that can be gray, green, or brown and has a flat head with short limbs and a long tail.
- Family: Cryptobranchidae
-Class: Amphibia
-1/3 of the Giant Salamander Types
- Can grow up to 6 feet long
-Lives underwater
-Breathes using cutaneous respiration
- Appear like they're smiling due to their mouth shape
-Small eyes that don't allow them to see much
- They thrive at night compared to the morning
-Less than 50,000 left in the world
Habitat & Range
Figure 1: Distribution of Chinese Giant Salamander as of 2014
Figure 2: The Chinese Giant Salamander is naturally found in the rocky mountainous rivers, and expansive streams of China.
These salamanders occupy the apex predator role in fast-flowing, freshwater environments, where they consume a variety of prey including fish, many more aquatic critters, and even smaller salamanders. As primary predator in their niche, if they were to go extinct, the other animals populations would grow rapidly depleting the Chinese Giant Salamanders habitat of many of its resources which would cause a domino effect.
Cause of Decline
While the Chinese Giant Salamander used to be feared in the past, an increase in the desire for exotic meat increased in China leading to the overconsumption of the Chinese Giant Salamander. It's often consumed for it's meat and used in traditional remedies. The Chinese Giant Salamander can sell for over $1500.
Why You Should Care!
1. The Chinese Giant Salamander is a living being meaning it deserves respect and the care of humans because just by existing it has worth.
2. A decrease in biodiversity would result from the extinction of the Chinese Giant Salamander, as each species within an ecosystem plays an important part, so the loss of one could result in the overpopulation of another species which could in turn reduce another species leading to a domino effect. There is a web of intricate interactions that should not be disturbed within ecosystems.
3. The Chinese Giant Salamander is crucial for China's freshwater river ecosystem and they safeguard China's ecosystem and the people who depend on China's rivers to live.
Current conservation Efforts
-Many Chinese Giant Salamanders are harbored in farms that maintain them and release them into rivers. This is a government effort.
- Several nature reserves have been established all over China to protect the Chinese Giant Salamanders
-Laws and policies have been put in place to protect the species.
Importance of Geographers, Geospatial Tools, and Geography in Conservation Efforts
Plea for Help
1. Don't consume meat that's produced by killing Chinese Giant Salamanders.
2. Donate money to farms and zoos that prioritize the conservation of the Chinese Giant Salamander like the Zoological Society of London!
3. Promote sustainable practices, as a big part in the Chinese Giant Salamander is the pollution of their natural habitat. This could include reducing plastic use or reducing pesticide use in crops grown in areas the Chinese Giant Salamanders thrive.
4. Spread Awareness about the Chinese Giant Salamander and its important role in China's ecosystem through platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and TikTok. Direct people to the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance page for more background on the Chinese Giant Salamander.
5. Respect the Natural Habitat/ Support Sustainable tourism when the Chinese Giant Salamander is involved so as to not cause harm their population. This means do not touch them or their habitat! Let them be in peace :)
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